Construction projects have been around for years now but the pace has now accelerated with the world being a global village. Massive construction projects and buildings attract tourists & residents. But do you know how successful the building structure is or how easily it can be destroyed? That all depends on the prior precautions and testing for all kinds of material to be employed in the construction. The most important of which is the material density testing in Edmonton that makes up the foundations.
Density is used to describe the lightness and heaviness of an object for making a comfortable choice according to the requirements. However, the concept changes a bit in the construction project. The soil density is important in construction sites to calculate how compact is the soil or pavement material. Density Testing in Edmonton is done for field density and field moisture content data. There are several methods for calculating the field density of soil including the core cutter method, rubber balloon method, sand replacement method, and heavy oil method & miscellaneous. Material density testing in Edmonton is more likely to be determined with the popular sand replacement method.
How exactly density takes part at the construction site is important but knowing how it works is also important. Get to know the basics and the flow of how it is beneficial for huge construction projects.
What is Density & How Land Quality is Affected?
The density of soil affects the strength of the landfill and should be cautiously measured in relation to the definitive purpose of the fill.
Density and its effect on Soil quality
The soil density is often used as a secondary description of the soil quality and is often a consideration to define the mechanical properties of the soil; however, the density of soil is not a mechanical property. The soil quality is crucial to certifying the quality of the final product.

Moreover, density is defined as mass per unit volume which is complex to conclude. The vital factors to define density are:
- Density of solids
- Volumetric weight
- Particle density
- Bulk density
- Dry density
- Degree of saturation
- Saturated density
- Water content
- Porosity
- Void ratio of the volume of the void to that of solids
Measuring Density
Several types of density are calculated by different methods. For example, the calculations of reference densities, which include the maximum and minimum densities, should be determined.
Moreover, the measurement of in-situ density is evaluated by sand replacement or sand cone methods, drive cylinder method or the core cutter method, weight in water and water displacement method, nuclear density tests, and rubber balloon method.
Relative density can be measured by standard penetration testing and cone penetration testing.
Density and use of fill
The actual specifications of the density of a material are straightly related in engineering expressions to the imminent use of the fill. Appropriate materials are defined as having a correct density which averts the risk of collapse and extreme settlement of the soil. As, in an earthquake-prone area, the fill mass density and the subsoil are fundamental in defining if the fill has adequate resistance against liquefaction.
Methods of Soil Density Testing
The classic field soil Materials Testing in Edmonton methods include using a sand cone and a nuclear meter. Supplementary test methods are less favored due to their inadequacy in the field (such as a balloon density device or tube-density sampler). Nevertheless, each of these procedures yields the same result.
Conversely, usual laboratory soil maximum dry density testing methods are determined for modified Proctor (ASTM D1557, AASHTO T99) and standard Proctor (ASTM D698, AASHTO T180) tests. The procedure involves blending a soil composite from the field with water in the lab to define variable moisture contents that are above or below the optimal moisture content. This is to confirm that an appropriate curve can be a derivative of the results. The soil at individual moisture content endures compaction in the lab, consuming a standard mold size and a precise number of weighted blows. Subsequently, each sample is dried-out and evaluated such that the moisture content for the dry density can be calculated. Once this procedure is performed on each soil sample, an accurate compaction curve is designed on a graph with the vertical axis representing dry density and the horizontal axis representing moisture content. The curve’s highest point translates the prime moisture content of the soil beside the maximum dry density values.

Benefits of Soil Density Testing in Edmonton
The soil or other materials used in the construction projects can be evaluated for relative density to give a compacted & solid structural building for long-lasting service life. Here are the multiple benefits of material density testing in Edmonton:
- The area for construction can be evaluated well before buying or building the structure. The land’s density plays a vital role in compaction and thus a strong foundation for your construction project.
- Appropriate density testing will result in lesser changes to the recruitment & morality of the landfills. This will help in the clear foundational as well as structural needs of the construction projects.
- Density testing in Edmonton is easy to measure with a number of onsite/field or laboratory tests that will give 90-95% accurate values for a reliable construction project flow.
- Once the density testing approves the land feasibility, the building structure would be great.
- Lesser voids in the soil with solid compaction and higher density make it reliable for all kinds of constructions.
Central Material Testing offers the construction industry the facility of onsite and laboratory Construction Soil Testing in Edmonton. Our company is operating mainly in Edmonton with regional labs in the allied regions as well. Our expert team will analyze the testing with the latest testing methods. We guarantee 100% results in less than 24 hours. Get all kinds of material testing at CMT and make your project strong. Get the quotation for the field density testing in Edmonton or laboratory testing. We assure quality testing in Edmonton.
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