3 Main Construction Failures for Neglecting Material Testing

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Failures Material Testing

Name and fame are associated with the quality of the services or results you produce. If you deeply examine the world-famous businesses’ names there is surely high quality at the backend. Quality is an attribute you should never compromise in whatever field you belong to. Quality Material Testing sometimes charges a bit high cost but it is ok to be a little more expensive than ruin capital as a result of failure. The same is the case with the construction industry. Construction involves high capital, constant hard work, management, and a specific period. To give a remarkable result you need to check the density of every material used in the project. Either they are up to the mark for your project requirement or not. This test charges a nominal amount as compared to the results it generates.

What is Density and How to Check the Density of a Material?

Density In simple words it referred to the concentration or purity of a substance and sketches its composition. Ensuring the quality density measurement is essential in various industries for both end products and raw materials. When it comes to the construction sector it means checking the quality of the material. Low-density material is substandard and results in poor structure. So to make your construction strong and long-lasting density test is vital before the material is used.

Density test: a material test to check the density of rock, compacted soil, or other construction Material Testing in Edmonton, either in the lab or in the field setting. The density test approves or rejects the material based on merit. In countries like Canada government has made the density test compulsory for roadways, berms, and embankments. It is for the safety of the individuals as well as the infrastructure. The standard of material density is set by national agencies through policies. The testing is compulsory before the construction process proceeds, and before the constructed public belonging is exposed to the general public. Density tests are not only safe in terms of cost and time but also in terms of public safety. Nationals of any nation select the government and its government duty to take care of every precious individual’s life and take all safety measures to give them safety.

If you are in the field of construction you should search for material density testing in Edmonton. The density checking in Edmonton has a standard and will assist you in delivering a quality result. Use the material approved by the material density test company.

Risk to Different Construction Projects If No Material Density Test is Conducted:

Construction is something very normal going all around us. Whenever we step out without any effort we witness several projects going on. But the thing is are these projects up to the mark? Have they tested the selected material before starting the construction? Unfortunately, many companies don’t bother to test the material. Quality is only generated with the standard material. You can’t expect to bake a fluffy tasty cake with expired ingredients. There are chances that the expired material may not affect the look of the overall cake but it will ruin the taste, the same is the case with the construction. A substandard road build using low-quality material may look perfectly fine but with time it will show the low-quality material.

Listed below are some of the example how no material density test affects different construction projects:

Broken Roads:

Roads are like body veins scattered all over to give car paths to move from one place to another. They are a vital part of a system. Therefore when there is construction going on, the construction company should take extra precautions while selecting the material. After selection, the selected material should go for a density test to know whether it should bear a heavy load or not. Roads are something that is constructed once and then just maintained for long life. In case the material density test is ignored it can damage the road within days and cause serious loss in terms of money and life (a little bump can cause a serious accident).

Demolishing Buildings or Malls:

The trend of large buildings especially near seashores or beaches is becoming common. The material used for buildings needs to be tested to give the foundation strong bases. The quality material gives the structure capability to stay long without any damage. Construction companies send their material for density tests before use, in case the material is not tested there are chances that natural calamity will demolish a building or will cause damage to the structure.

Broken Barrages:

Barrages are barriers, tailored with gates, built across the riverside to promote water level for diversion (in canals for the purpose of irrigation or other usages) or navigation. It can provide roads across the dam or river. The material used in barrages is usually concrete and gates are of steel. These materials used should be sent for density tests before constructing a barrage. The substandard material used in barrages will not tolerate the water pressure and may result in breakage.


Today, the most profitable and progressing business is thought to be the construction industry. The overall progress of a country seems to be in how its infrastructure is constructed. People love to visit countries having modern and long-lasting infrastructure. Nobody wishes to move to a country where there are broken roads, demolished buildings, and damaged dam barrages. So the nations should make the construction sector liable in case of such damages whether public or private. The material density should be the legal requirement before the construction proceed. The material density approves the quality material for quality Soil Testing Edmonton. It not only benefits the public but also benefits the construction company to earn its name and fame, saving its extra cost that could be possibly charged in case of low material creating damage while construction. So if you are in the construction sector you should look for the best material density testing company and make your project safe.

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Central Material Testing is an Alberta-based company having a group of certified material technicians. We follow standard methods as outlined by the American Standards Testing Methods (ASTM), Canadian Standards Association (CSA), and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

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